Global Ethics Summit 2019
How do other companies handle ethics and compliance issues at work? This was a popular topic of conversation at the recent Global Ethics Summit in NYC. Joseph Moan, of The Coca-Cola Co., was present to share insights from his own corporate experience. According to Moan, Coca-Cola has a global ethics and compliance committee in place which includes three business unit presidents that rotate through various positions. Other business representatives spoke of online tools and reporting that allowed employees to be more open and comfortable in their concerns. It excites us to see these companies place so much importance on ethics. You can read more about the Global Ethics Summit HERE.
But what about other companies? Again and again, we hear of businesses that do not address ethics in the workplace and too often assume that all is well. Oftentimes, managers and executives have no idea where to start in tackling ethics, so the issue goes ignored. But that’s where Merit Leadership comes in – we help companies create a strong ethical environment through a customized ethics program that benefits the workforce. And it’s EASY to start – just contact us to learn more.