Business Ethics & Society Classroom In-A-Box
Business Ethics & Society Classroom In-A-Box
Join us for a webinar featuring Brad Agle where we’ll give a preview of our brand-new product that we’ve been developing – our “Classroom In-A-Box.”
The Classroom In-A-Box offers complete lesson plans, PowerPoint decks, videos, exercises, and assessments for ethics professors—all in an online resource that’s easy to use. Your students also get a copy of The Business Ethics Field Guide, the definitive, practical guide to turning dangerous dilemmas into opportunities. Professors can pick the modules they need, or even teach an entire course. All of the material can be adapted to your university’s ethics competencies and course requirements.
Our classroom material is derived from “The Ethics Business Field Guide,” a textbook written from years of research and experience in solving ethical dilemmas. It is currently being used in universities like the University of Florida, Columbia University, Notre Dame, Brigham Young University, and others.
Brad Agle (PhD, University of Washington) is the George W. Romney Endowed Professor, and Professor of Ethics and Leadership in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. He is also a Fellow in the Wheatley Institution at BYU, where he chairs the ethics initiative, including the biannual Teaching Ethics at Universities Conference. He currently serves on the advisory board of RLG Capital, the ethics committee of USA Synchro, the editorial board of Business Ethics Quarterly, and as President-Elect of the International Association for Business and Society. Previously, he spent seventeen years as a professor in the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh, where he also served for eight years as the inaugural director of the Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership.